Happy Birthday, Zayden

Zayden is a year old on February 1st! Can you believe it?! We can’t!

We wanted to try something a little untraditional considering this kiddo has practically all the clothes, toys, and things he could really need. We would like our family and friends to consider helping us afford experiences with Zayden for his next year rather than purchasing gifts.

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Things we’re looking forward to:


  • Visiting the Orlando Science Center – $42
  • Playday at Little Monsters – $10
  • A Visit to Millie Moo’s
  • Visit to SeaWorld – $160
  • Florida Aquarium visit – $60
  • Weekend at the BARF – $40
  • My Gym
  • Swim Lessons
  • Beach Trips
Thank You

Aunt Tammy



Last updated: January 16, 2018 @ 1:22pm