A Change! No Longer on the Horizon, Right Now!
Recently I posted about how hard it is to get and stay motived due to my two biggest pitfalls as a cosplayer. After thinking about it longer, I think the two directly impact each other. My long list of potential cosplays not getting completed is directly impacted by my unhappiness with my body…and visa versa. So, what do you do when you hit a revelation like this?
You make a change!
And the time has finally come!
I am fully aware that just making the change will be enough, it will be a continual change. One that I am ready for.
Yesterday I began the journey onto a Low Carb High Fat lifestyle again. I have two amazing friends (twins), the Marunowskis, who had been utilizing this for years now and have had positive results. My own personal positive story with LCHF took place 3 years ago…back when I first met Mike. With a meager 3-4 months on LCHF, I got down to the smallest I had ever been, while also the healthiest. Now, I didn’t rely just on the diet for the full impact of my body…I was also doing running, 2 hours of Pilates a week (two 1 hour classes a week), and irregularly did Yoga on Saturdays. These are things I want to get back into, as well.
As mentioned earlier, My friends Derek and Phil Marunowski were the first to present this diet to me back in 2011 and I really do think it makes a lot of sense. If you are interested in learning more about it, they have begun compiling their information in one specific place on their website. Check it out!
Another resource I found yesterday thanks to my friend Little Red Cosplay, who recently began her own journey, was the Reddit keto sub area. Keto and LCHF may be a little different, but essentially, LCHF will get your body to go into Ketosis…Both websites will help you understand more.
Either way, I didn’t have my lunch soda yesterday, no bread on my brats for dinner, and had an unwich at Jimmy Johns for lunch. That’s an excellent start. Today, my breakfast was two hard boiled eggs and three pieces of baked bacon (the best way to make it, btw).
I ask that my friends help support me on my journey much like my lovely fiance’ did last night. No bun on my brats and some grilled onions and mustard on my plate for dinner. It’s the little things that help make this a possible endeavor.
I’ll keep up with my progress and if you want to know more about how to start your own journey…check out the links within the post…You’ll be thankful that you did.