Heroes, Princesses, and Characters join together for the BASE Camp Christmas Party

BASE Camp Semi-Annual Christmas Party

Heroes, Princesses, and Characters join together for the BASE Camp Christmas Party

BASE Camp Semi-Annual Christmas Party
Saturday, December 20th, Mike and I, along with 12 other amazing people from within the costuming community gathered together to do something fantastic! We attended the BASE Camp Christmas Party here in Orlando. BASE Camp provides a year-round base of support for children and families who are facing the challenge of living with cancer and other life-threatening hematological illnesses. They serve not only the children who are patients, but their brothers and sisters too. Twice a year, they throw a HUGE Christmas party for these children that includes everything from Santa, toys, dancing, food, photos, crafts, and soooo much more. We were beyond excited to be invited to join in…and HAD to invite others to accompany us!

Our Crew gathering to make a grand entrance

Upon our invitation, we begin inviting as many people as we could to make the event as big as it could possibly be. We reached out to our friends at Super Hero Smiles Initiative, which include Sam and her husband Steve (pictured atsWonder Woman and Captain America). Mike and I went as HawkEye and Black Widow. Our friends Valarie and Rebekah joined us as Roque and ShadowCat from X-Men. Jim brought along his 1966 Batman costume. Also, we got an exceptional group of people involved from the company Once Upon A Party who brought some real talent to the scene. We had Andrew and Miekal as Woody and Jessie from Toy Story, Angel and Jason as Anna and Kristoff of Frozen, Christine and Ken as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from Tangled, Amber as Cinderella, and Nicci as Clawdeen from Monster’s HIgh. And let me tell you…the entire group blew  BASE Camp out of the park!

What it’s really all about….The Kids…

Hope you’re ready for the pictures, because there’s a LOT. These do not even include all of the ones taken at the actual event. There was just so much to capture! This event really is all about the kids…They get to do everything from dancing to getting to meet Santa and get to pick out gifts. Some lucky kids got to leave with brand new bikes, even! I was shown many many presents by kids…They were so proud of what they got! Oh…and lead by the hand to meet MANY parents. There was a lot of love in that room! The pictures don’t even begin to do justice to this spectacular organization’s work.

All in all…this event will forever be dear to my heart and we plan to keep coming back in the future and inviting along all of these great, wonderful people…and many more! Already looking forward to all the smiles that we will be bringing in July! Can’t wait!

Learn more about BASE Camp by visiting: Basecamp.org

You can check out Once Upon A Party at their website: OnceUponAParties.com

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