DC Hero Roller Girl Shoot with AJ Charlton Photography – DragonCon 2014
With the buzz that Brittnie Jade, Leaping Lizard Cosplay, and I (A to Z Cosplay) have gotten with our super awesome photos from our DC Hero Roller Girl cosplay group from DragonCon 2014, I felt that it was important to make sure that our other shoot from the same con was seen as well. Aaron Charlton heads up AJ Charlton Photography and resides in London, UK. We had the pleasure of shooting with Aaron poolside at the Marriott Marquis of Atlanta, GA at DragonCon 2014. You can check out his Facebook Page and Flickr account for more information. Also, if you like these photos, you can see all of his shots from DragonCon 2014 here. Like these other two hotties in the shoot with me? They’d love to have you as a fan on Facebook…Leaping Lizard Cosplay and Brittnie Jade. The cosplays that we are wearing are based off of original artwork made by Danielle Gansaull.