Taking Halo UNSC M6 Blaster Toy from BOOMco to the Next Level
Recently Mike made a major purchase in the ‘toys’ department…In case you’re unaware, the company BOOMco came out with a line of Halo “nerf” type toys that are extremely bad ass!
So, the first of our ‘arsenal’ to get re-vamped was the Halo UNSC M6 Blaster. Out of the box, it comes in an orange-red color with white and grey accents. If you’re looking to purchase your own, we got ours on discount at Toys R Us, but you can purchase it on Amazon for a very responsible cost at this link.
After spending some time looking through the internet for reference photos and not really location anything really good-regarding in-game references, we decided to go with what we had for paint.
Mike first attempted to utilize Plasti-dip for the initial finish, but it just wasn’t giving a desired affect, causing him to scrape it off. After roughing up the exterior of the blaster with a Dremel, he was ready to paint and luckily, our current Florida weather was perfect for it!
The black spray paint used was a matte Paint+Primter from Rust-oleum. This gave a very nice finish to the piece, we’ll see how the paint jobs fairs for scratches, wear, and tear. The other color used was a metallic silver from Krylon. I can not stress how amazing the metallic finish turned out with this paint. The pieces done in silver literally look like they’re metal. After re-assembly, the Halo UNSC M6 Blasters looked totally legit! We can’t wait to wear them with our armor…when it’s done…some day lol.
- Taking apart the Boom hand gun
- Sprayed and drying chrome paint
- Sprayed and drying black paint
- Ready to reassemble
- Badass new Halo M6 guns for our costumes!