Transparent Worbla…What?!

Transparent Worbla…What?!

omg transparent worbla!!!

Can this be for real?! Ok Ok…Worbla has been a material that has taken the Cosplay community by STORM!!! If you follow the Cosplay Supplies Facebook page, you were surprised by a new announcement that they posted today! This magical material that most of us have used for armor making for Cosplay…is now available as…TRANSPARENT!!! Transparent Worbla…really?!

Can you believe this? Can you even begin to imagine all the cool things you can do with this new product called TranspArt (which is a pretty silly name, btw)?! You can learn more about the product at and with links at the bottom of the article to direct you to where to purchase specific sizes of the product.

My thoughts instantly go to cool led effects and EL wire….omg the tron armor that you could make…ANY weapon could glow easily! You still have all the same abilities as the original Worbla…the thermoplastic awesomeness when equipped with your trusty Heat Gun and amazing clay-like characteristics, too!

Check it out…Buy Buy Buy and Build Build Build! I’m so excited!! SOooooo much potential with transparent Worbla!!!

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