DC Hero Roller Girl Group Cosplay

Dc Hero Roller Derby Girl cosplay Looking into Justice

Photo Credit: AJ Photography

  • 13 Jan DC Roller Girls Shoot with Short Fuse Pinups

    The story of this DC Roller Girls cosplay group begins months before we debuted the costumes at DragonCon. Leaping Lizard Cosplay (Liz Vickery), Brittnie Jade, and I (Tracy of A to Z Cosplay) fell in love with the original art work created by Danielle Gransaull back at MegaCon 2014. After meeting her......

  • Leaping Lizard Cosplay, A to Z Cosplay, and Brittnie Jade Roller Girls

    20 Jan DC Hero Derby Girls On Fashionably Geek

    Brittnie Jade, Leaping Lizard Cosplay, and I have been featured on Fashionably Geek with our DC Roller Girls costume group from Dragon Con 2014. Check it out here!...

  • Dc Hero Roller Derby Girl cosplay Booty shot

    21 Jan DC Hero Roller Girl Shoot with AJ Charlton Photography – DragonCon 2014

    With the buzz that Brittnie Jade, Leaping Lizard Cosplay, and I (A to Z Cosplay) have gotten with our super awesome photos from our DC Hero Roller Girl cosplay group from DragonCon 2014, I felt that it was important to make sure that our other shoot from the same con......

  • Leaping Lizard Cosplay, A to Z Cosplay, and Brittnie Jade Roller Girls

    26 Jan Roller Girls featured on Nerdist.com

    Such exciting news to have our Roller Girls DC Hero group featured on Nerdist.com last week. If you haven’t seen the photos, go and check them out. They feature the beautiful ladies Leaping Lizard Cosplay, Brittnie Jade, and myself donning cosplays inspired by the original artwork of Danielle Gransaull. Photos featured were taking......

  • Leaping Lizard Cosplay, A to Z Cosplay, and Brittnie Jade Roller Girls

    28 Jan DC Roller Girls are EVERYWHERE!!! UPROXX.com Feature!

    Well guys! We’ve been featured again! These DC Roller Girls are by far the most popular costume group I have ever been part of…this is incredibly exciting!! Leaping Lizard Cosplay, Brittnie Jade, and I were featured on UPROXX.com’s Cosplay of the Week!!! Be sure to check out the feature story here:......

  • Leaping Lizard Cosplay, A to Z Cosplay, and Brittnie Jade Roller Girls

    03 Feb DC Hero Roller Girls added to top 10 AU / Crossover List!

    Thanks to A Lanna Mode our DC Hero Roller Girl cosplay group has been featured on yet another awesome website GeekChicElite.com where we have been included in the top 10 list of Alternative Universe and Cross over Cosplays. You can check out the article here! It’s exciting to be on a......