DC Roller Girls Shoot with Short Fuse Pinups
The story of this DC Roller Girls cosplay group begins months before we debuted the costumes at DragonCon. Leaping Lizard Cosplay (Liz Vickery), Brittnie Jade, and I (Tracy of A to Z Cosplay) fell in love with the original art work created by Danielle Gransaull back at MegaCon 2014. After meeting her in Artist Alley, we couldn’t be more excited to bring her artwork to life. Us girls called our character and our costuming began! We knew that, with the help of Short Fuse Pinups, that we would create something beautiful!
If you’re interested,Danielle Gransaull has created two other amazing pieces since she began her Derby Girl series with her DC Heroes. Our trio has future plans to create both of her Gotham Villian group and her Power Puff Girls, as well. We don’t have any specific dates for those costumes, but keep an eye out, because they’ll be FABULOUS!
Our Derby Girl Cosplay Group was VERY WELL received at DragonCon 2014! It was so exciting to show off something that was so original on the convention floor!
If nothing else, You need to check out my two beautiful ladies! Leaping Lizard Cosplay is a great cosplayer centered in Key West, FL that is gaining a LOT of notoriety in the Cosplaying community. Like her Facebook Page and join her troop of Geckos! She’s also on all of the other Social Media networks, too!
Miss Brittnie Jade is a long time friend of mine that shares my love of costuming! This beautiful pink-haired Goddess is making a lot of waves in the Cosplay community. Like her Facebook page, look her up on Instagram and Twitter, too!
A to Z Cosplay as Wonder Woman
Brittnie Jade as Bat Girl
Leaping Lizard Cosplay as Super Girl
Roller Girls Group Shots
Check out more from Short Fuse Pinups at her website or Facebook
Love the original artwork? You should definitely check out her website or Facebook