Bay Area Renaissance Faire 2015

Bay Area Renaissance Faire 2015

wpid-20150321_120548.jpgSo, honestly, I didn’t get around til now to blog about our journey to the Tampa Bay Area Renaissance Faire back in March. The BARF (which most end up calling it for length is one of our favorites that is held for almost two months every year by MOSI in Tampa. It is a day of friends, food, drinks, and frolicking around in costume. Mike and I usually attend whatever weekend has a Piratey kinda of theme…however, you can wear whatever you want, whenever you want when it comes to a Renaissance fair.

As the Bay Area Renaissance Faire is quite a drive (around two hours trip) for us, we usually try to make a big deal out of it and coordinate with all of our friends on what day we will all attend. This year, we got to enjoy our time with Dani & Art, Derek & Tammy, Phil & Nicole, J Buck, Kyle & Heather, and Cory. Many drinks were had and much relaxing enjoyed at the hookah tent.

Once our time at the faire winds down, we tend to find ourselves migrating, in costume, over to Tampa’s Dunderbak’s German restaurant for some super yummy treats before our long drive home. The food there is fantastic and we always have a great time. It’s also nice to get some food in your before driving after a long day of getting your drink on!

Fairy Garden area at Bay Area Renaissance Faire

I knew my mom would like this cute fairy garden 🙂 These photos are for you, mom! <3

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